Company-Wide Health & Wellness Evaluations
One size does not fit all. Work with Elite Health to finally get clarity on how to help all the individuals that make up your workforce.
A program backed by science guarantees success.
Elite Health has experience with a diverse range of businesses to create environments that inspire a happy, healthy and engaged lifestyle. The benefits include a present workforce who experience less stress, have a low staff turnover and minimal absenteeism or burnout rates.
Whether you are a start-up, large corporate, not for profit or government service, Elite Health can provide you with a company-wide health and wellness evaluation. Once data is assembled, key questions can be asked to provide a roadmap responding to challenges.
About Firstbeat
Firstbeat Life™ – Subscription Based Corporate Wellness Solution for modern workplace management and health promotion, with company level reporting to manage wellness trends and risks.
Firstbeat Life™
For companies – Make data-driven decisions with science backed insights, that support your strategic well-being management and to support your employees’ physical and mental health.
Company-level reporting of de-identified, aggregated data of your employees’ health and well-being and identificationof potential risks.
For employees – learn how to balance stress and recovery for better health with a personal HRV sensor which monitors sleep, recovery, stress and exercise as often as they want.
Insights into body responses with a Firstbeat Life app for employees to understand the effect of their daily choices with personalised guidance to improve their well-being.
Personal coaching for additional support is available.
About Heartmath
We are licensed to deliver HeartMath Coaching, HeartMath Clinical Interventions and The Resilience Advantage™ Training Program.
HeartMath® is a recognised global leader in emotional physiology. At the core of these programs are evidence-based tools designed to help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment.
The Resilience Advantage™ Training Program can be delivered in its entirety or in customised modules. These tools and strategies strengthen resiliency, improve decision making and increase productivity.